Command-line interface reference
General options
name |
description |
arguments |
-x --xilinx-root |
sets XILINX_ROOT_DIR for the current build |
path |
--xversion |
sets XILINX_VERSION for the current build |
2020.2|2022.2* |
--board, -b |
Defines the target board: Digilent Zybo Z7-10/20 or Genesys ZU-3EG |
Z10*|Z20|GENESYS |
name |
description |
arguments |
tidy |
removes all temporary files generated by the toolchain |
none |
clean |
deletes current build directory |
none |
reset |
deletes current build directory as well as the syfala_log & resets the current toolchain configuration |
none |
import |
sets previously exported .zip build as the current build |
path to the .zip build |
export |
exports current build in a .zip file located in the 'export' directory |
name of the build |
report |
displays HLS or global report |
log |
displays the current build's full log |
none |
test |
builds & runs all toolchain tests |
none |
flash |
flashes current build onto target device |
none |
start-gui |
executes the Faust-generated GUI application |
none |
open-project |
opens the generated .xpr project with Vivado |
help |
prints list of available commands, options and run-time parameters |
none |
version |
displays the current script's version |
none |
Build options
name |
description |
--linux |
builds the embedded linux if doesn't already exist and exports the build in the root partition (/home/syfala/mybuild ) |
--midi |
adds MIDI control for the Faust GUI and/or the Embedded Linux Control Application |
--osc |
adds OSC control for the Faust GUI and/or the Embedded Linux Control Application |
--http |
adds HTTP control for the Faust GUI and/or the Embedded Linux Control Application |
Design options
name |
arguments |
description |
--multisample |
power of two integer (e.g. 16, 24, 32, etc.) |
DSP block will compute a block of samples instead of a single one. This may improve overall throughput but will introduce audio i/o latency. |
--sigma-delta |
none |
Builds the project with a sigma-delta dac configuration (experimental) |
--tdm |
none |
Builds the project with i2s TDM (experimental) |
--ethernet |
none |
(linux only) uses tcp/ip ethernet to convey input/output signals from & to faust |
HLS options
name |
arguments |
description |
--accurate-use |
none |
Runs HLS with the impl flow, shows more accurate resources/latency reports, but takes longer to run. |
--csim |
path to simulation .cpp file |
Runs C simulation for the syfala DSP IP |
--csim-iter |
integer (1 to ...) |
Sets the number of syfala calls during the C simulation |
--csim-inputs |
path to directory containing in0.txt / in1.txt etc. |
Set the directory containing input samples files (as .txt files). Each sample should be normalized floating point values going from -1.f to 1.f separated by a white space or a line return. |
--mcd |
none |
(faust only) Max-copy-delay: threshold between copy and ring buffer implementation (default 16). |
--unsafe-math-optimizations |
--umo |
Adds the Vitis HLS unsafe_math_optimizations directive to the syfala DSP IP. |
--hls-flags |
Tcl string |
n/a |
ARM options
name |
arguments |
description |
--shield |
adau|motherboard |
Adds support for ADAU1777/ADAU1787 external codecs, or for the ADAU Motherboard |
--benchmark |
none |
(faust only) Enables benchmark for the ARM control-loop. |
--verbose |
none |
n/a |
--arm-target |
path to .cpp file |
Selects the main (.cpp) source file for the ARM control application. |
--controller-type |
Defines the controller used to drive the controls when SW3 is UP. |
--ssm-volume |
(Zybo boards only) HEADPHONE : lower volume for headphone use. DEFAULT : default value +1dB, the true 0dB (0b001111001 ) decreases the signal a little bit. |
--ssm-speed |
(Zybo boards only) changes SSM ADC/DAC sample rate. DEFAULT : 48kHz sample rate. FAST: 96Khz sample rate |
Run steps
Note: the --all
is not necessary if you wish to run all steps, just run syfala myfaustdsp.dsp
--all |
runs all toolchain compilation steps (from --sources to --gui ) |
--sources |
uses Faust to generate ip/host cpp files for HLS and Host application compilation |
--hls |
runs Vitis HLS on generated ip cpp file |
--project |
generates Vivado project |
--synth |
synthesizes full Vivado project |
--host |
compiles Host application, exports sources and .elf output to build/sw_export |
--gui |
compiles Faust GUI control application |
--flash |
flashes boot files on device at the end of the run |
--report |
prints HLS report at the end of the run |
--export |
<id> exports build to export/ directory at the end of the run |
Run parameters
parameter |
accepted values |
description |
default value |
--memory, -m |
(faust only) Choose between DDR & static memory layout for faust delay-lines, rd/rwtables. |
--sample-rate |
48000 - 96000 - 192000 - 384000 - 768000 |
Changes sample rate value (Hz). Only 48kHz and 96kHz is available for SSM embeded codec. 192000 (ADAU1777 and ADAU1787 only) 384000 (ADAU1787 only) 768000 (ADAU1787 only and with --sample--width 16 only) |
48000 |
--sample-width |
16 - 24 - 32 |
Defines sample bit depth (16|24|32) |
16 |
Hardware configuration (Zybo Z7-10/20)
Syfala Hardware Controller Board (SW3 UP)
If you use a Hardware Controller Board, please set the --controller-type
command-line parameter to the proper value (see below)
Controller-type values description
: Popophone demo box
: Emeraude PCB config 1: 4 knobs, 2 switches, 2 sliders (default)
: Emeraude PCB config 2: 8 knobs
: Emeraude PCB config 3: 4 knobs, 4 switches
: Emeraude PCB config 4: 4 knobs above, 4 switches below
: Teensy-based controller.
You can swap from hardware to software controller during DSP execution by changing SW3.
Switch description
Default configuration in bold
| | | | |
| | | | |
- SW3: Controller type select: hardware (Controller board) or software (GUI).
- SW2: Audio codec input select (ADAU=external or SSM=onboard). Does not affect output.
- SW1: Bypass audio dsp.
- SW0: Mute.
Status LEDs
The RGB led indicate the program state:
- BLUE: waiting
- GREEN: all good!
- ORANGE: warning (bypass or mute enabled)
- RED: ERROR! (configuration failed or incompatible), could happen if you select the SSM codec with incompatible sample rate.
The 4 LEDs above the switches indicate the switches state. If one of them blink, it indicates the source of the warning/error.
You can put the program on an SD card (if you want something reproducible and easily launchable, for the demos...).
After a make
command, you should see a BOOT.bin
file in SW_export (or you can build it with make boot_file
Put the file on the root of SD card. And don't forget to put JP5 on 'SD' position !